Corona-virus Covid 19 Updates
Hello everyone, I just want to keep you updated of any changes to my working pattern and so forth during these difficult times. Please read carefully and pop back regularly to check for changes.
Things are slowly getting back to normal, but I am still experiencing occasional difficulty sourcing certain ingrdients and although I will do everything I can, there may be times when I am unable to make the cakes that you have requested. If this is the case, I will contact you to offer an alternative or a refund.
Deliveries are now mostly getting through just fine and pretty reliable but there are still the odd ocasions where parcels have taken a little longer than usual. This means that I am unable to offer and guarantees for delivery or my usual refunds for late arrival of orders. Everything is freshly baked and double wrapped, so should be fine for several days. However, if you feel you don't want to risk it then pllease contact me and I will issue you with a refund.
I am happy to do home delivery for those of you in the Plymouth area, please contact me before ordering to ensure that I can deliver to you.
Please order and pay for home delivery online, your order will be delivered to your doorstep and I will knock and then step away from your door for you to collect it.
I will be continuing to dispatch and deliver on a Monday for Tuesdy for now as this seems to be working well for everyone. However if you have ordered local delivery, Birthday or Celebration Cakes I will continue to deliver these locally on the arranged day.
When you receive your delivery please remove the contents from the box and dispose of it - preferably outside - try not to touch the wrapped cakes inside if at all possible, and then wash your hands as instructed by the Government before touching or unwrapping your cakes.
I am working very hard to keep baking for you and will continue to do so for as long as I possibly can. If you have any questions or concerns please feel very welcome to contact me and I will do my best to help you.
Stay safe. Stay healthy. Be kind.
Much love